Apparently this semester, I have changed as a person. Good or bad you ask? I hope in a good way. I have become quite the little hermit dedicating most of my hours to schoolwork, writing, and projects. This being said, I have come to realize who my true friends are. Friends that don’t care that I don’t go out anymore. Friends that let me laugh until I can hardly breath. Friends that will drop anything and everything if I need help with something. Obviously, working a lot comes with its downsides. Up until now, I have resorted to living on caffeine, little sleep and a small number of friends. Being so focused on simply getting through the day, has definitely made me lose perspective on the bigger picture.
With the occasional regrets and breakdowns as well as a slew of emotions, I am dedicated to completing my degree. While I appear calm and relaxed most of the time, I am stressed and sometimes do not know if I can get through the day or even the next minute. So I will leave it at that and let you in on the projects I am currently working on. Enjoy!
Fourth Year Design Project
Speech Synthesis through Gesture Recognition
A system that will be used by an individual with limited mobility that translates blink gestures to speech through an adaptive graphic user interface. A small vocabulary of about 150 words that will be reliably implemented by recognizing successive blinks gestures with the left or right eye thus enabling implementation of a useful vocabulary. The prototype developed will be non-invasive, rapid, easy to use, accurate, and allow for ready expansion. This project entails the use of Ardunio and Java implementation.
Distributed System Project
Design and Implementation of a Chat System
Design and implement a collaborative chat system for textual conversation between multiple (50) participants communicating with each other. This will be done by creating a client-server application using remote procedure call. The system will have participants register to a server before they can send any messages to the current users.
Biomaterial Presentation
A Mechanical Engineering presentation that looks and discusses the choice and impact of Biomaterials in Dental Implants.
Now to get all this done in the next four weeks! Wish me luck!
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