School is back in session and homework will soon be pilling up, so before it gets crazy with readings and papers, it is important to learn how to manage your time and organize your school work. Being organized and prepared for classes are just one success you can have. With a busy university schedule, to-do lists and agendas are a must. When you think of it, the stereotypical student is an unorganized person. While this does not necessarily ring true for all university students, it is generally true for most as there are temptations at every turn, demands and responsibilities that seem to be endless. Yet with simple organization tips and good study habits, you'll be sure to pass the year with ease.
I'll be sharing some essential items that have helped me the most:
File Folder
Binders take up room in school bags and so file folders are better space wise and for hand outs in class. They are also inexpensive, I bought mine a the Dollar Store that had a cute damask pattern and it lasted through all my university years. As a student, you're on a tight budget so may as well start being finance savvy.
Pencil Case
Don't be one of those people who always bug others for supplies. Get a cute make up bag and stuff it with the essentials, this includes post-its, highlighters, pencils, pens, eraser, whiteout, mini stapler and a calculator! Don't assume that your professors or teaching assistants will have everything, so be ready.
They are much better than taking notes on loose pieces of paper that you may lose or misplace! Trust me, this has happened to me and asking other people for notes sometimes gets tiring. I also highly recommend five subject notebooks as they have pockets inside for any addition papers and carrying all your notes in one book is easier.
This will be your baby. It was personally my key to staying on top of things as I wrote everything down from school work to extracurricular events to blog posts. Knowing what is due on what days and not relying on your memory or others will save you so much time!
Never Procrastinate
Get work done as soon as you get it because waiting till the last minute will not benefit you especially if you run into trouble or questions. It will also allow you to have more time to socialize and have fun. Remember this isn't high school anymore, professors don't care about your excuses and will not pity you.
Attend Class
The first thing you may want to do with your new found freedom is not to go to class, but you will highly regret this down the road. So pay attention, take notes and turn off any distractions i.e. phones and laptops.
I'm not sure how people pull all nighters but I need sleep to function. Sleeping is important to doing well and there's a less chance of falling asleep in class!
Support System
You don't realize it but having one of these is crucial to succeeding in school and I only clued into this when I had a wake up call summer before my fourth year of university. This can be one person or a group from friends, significant others or family. But having someone you can turn to when times are hard or when you just want to break down with no judgement or questions asked, these people are there for you.
Find a quiet place to study with few distractions, this will help you to focus on your studies. You may also form a study group if it helps and work together with classmates. Within this situation, it would be a great time to collaborate and practice old tests/exams from previous years. Lastly, take breaks as getting up and moving around every hour for ten minutes will help you concentrate more. Each person has their own study habits, so do what works best for you! I was one of those students who studied on their own first, talking aloud, memorizing important facts and redoing questions nonstop because when it comes to studying for a course, there is always something you can be doing!
You're immediate thought would be to head to the bookstore but STOP right there! As students and parents, we are trying to save money. Instead of buying brand new textbooks for a single year, ask upper years/frosh leaders to see if they are selling theirs. There are also several Facebook groups now days dedicated to selling/buying used textbooks within your college/university. This will save you half the cost or more. Though remember, some classes require special course packs or readings that may only be found at your campus bookstore. Be ready to shop around and find the best bang for your buck!
Good luck with your year and I would love to hear you're tips, so please share!
Just a few pictures from my years at Queen's University:
{Move In Day - Victoria Hall - 2008}
{Last Official Day Of Undergraduate Classes at QueensU - 2012}
{Graduating! - 2012}
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