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Happy Spring Reading

The weather has been a tad indecisive this week with rain, snow and today mother nature has come to her senses bringing us some lovely sunshine with a slight chill in the air. So it would only make sense to start the day with a warm cup of tea paired with a good magazine and book in hand. I have made it my mission to read for thirty minutes a day to clear my head and have 'me' time. 

A good friend of mine, surprised me with a late birthday present this past weekend. It was the book, Lean In for Graduates by Sheryl Sandberg. Quite different from her first book, it now includes new chapters on finding your first job, negotiating your salary, crafting a resume, handling your first interview and so forth. The subtext though still vividly resonates the thoughts of believing in ourselves as women and reaching for our aspirations by leaning in and actually doing something instead of blaming institutional barriers that exist. In other words, be who YOU want to be, a motto I have lived by since graduating university.

If you are a young grad entering the workforce, this book is for you! 

{Fine Lifestyle Kingston Magazine + Lean In for Graduates} 

What are you reading this spring?


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Rosalyn Gambhir
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[name=Rosalyn Gambhir] [img=https://i.imgur.com/9rNiMGU.jpg] [description=Rosalyn Gambhir is the gal behind the blog The Staycationer. Whether it's exploring the local food scene with her foodie partner-in-crime or taking in the view from her favourite cafe, Rosalyn is always a tourist, looking for the next exciting adventure within Kingston, Ontario and beyond. The Staycationer allows you to rediscover hidden gems in your very own backyard.] (facebook=https://www.facebook.com/thestaycationer) (twitter=https://twitter.com/rosalyngambhir) (instagram=https://www.instagram.com/rosalyngambhir/)

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