2019 was definitely an interesting year with highs and lows but also amazing people who helped me and supported me through it all. The start was all over the place and I'm just going to drive right on in.

Life took a bit of a detour unfortunately as my dad injured himself while overseas during the holidays which took me back home for a week or so and then to the hospital. He remained there after his diagnosis with a back brace until he recovered and then got transferred to a rehabilitation centre to regain his strength and mobility for another few months. And how was I doing through all of this? If you know me well, I don't get overly emotional and hospitals don't phase me, but also both my parents, have had their fair share of health-related issues growing up that I've learned to cope quite well over the years with life and unexpected things. (Also helps that I studied Health Sciences in college and did internship rounds in hospitals.) Learning to be positive has also helped immensely but what I wanted to share today was that, interestingly enough, one of my 2019 goals was to spend more time with my family so here's a reminder - cherish the time you have with those who raised you. Of course, all families have issues and drama but don't let that or stubbornness get in the way.
Another of my 2019 goals of getting back to my roots of food blogging started with baby steps and I immediately embraced it by starting with reviewing new restaurants in Prince Edward County and of course new features at some of my favourites in Kingston because I've always enjoyed sharing my dining experiences with my readers.
Also if you hadn't noticed, I semi ditched the curated Instagram feed and have been more into sharing my adventures via Instagram Stories. I’ve been less strict and scheduled and finding time to enjoy the little things more. Eating better, spending more time with bae, and all-around being the best version of myself possible without letting social media rule my life.
In terms of self-growth and putting myself out there, I said yes to being a guest on a friend’s podcast (listen to it here!). It definitely was something different for me but in such an amazing way. I chatted about how I came to where I am today from studying computer engineering at Queen's University to working in marketing and maintaining a blog but also a few hurdles I experienced as well.
In April 2019, I got the neat opportunity to join some amazing Kingston ladies I admire on a social media panel hosted by the lovely Claire Bouvier. I stepped outside my comfort zone of public speaking (I've been on panels before but this one was just different) and the introvert that I am, loved every second of it! Weird I know. So don't let those fears get in the way of you succeeding! It’s been great to see the love of the Kingston community through my journey of blogging and being online and want to thank those who have supported me!
In the fall, I also joined a panel hosted by Brockville Tourism chatting all things influencer marketing with fellow blogger Anna of STRUCKBLOG and another dear friend in the marketing and tourism industry.
In the mix of work and all of this, I also wrote how I was experiencing a bit of a burnout (read it here) and how things were getting a bit overwhelming. Just remember that things may look perfect on social or online, but in reality, everyone is human and has off days/weeks/months or whatever it may be. Since we're chatting about life, socially I spent more quality time with friends, made new ones, reconnected with old ones (still a work in progress!), removed toxic people out of my life and unfollowed people on social (not everyone can be best friends or bring joy). On top of all of this, I started experiencing eczema type symptoms on my neck, legs and arms. Might have been linked to stress as well as my gut health. But a temporary solution? Go on an elimination diet aka give up gluten, dairy and eggs for a few months and find alternative foods to enjoy. It was a tad tough but I got through it and am back to enjoying glutenous delights.
And on a professional level and quite exciting, I accepted an acting position at my day job as Communications & Relations Officer while doing double duty with my home position of Social Media & Digital Lead.
So with that recap of 2019, I'm rooting for 2020 to be a year where not a lot of things change but that I grow more as an individual. So are a few things items I'd like to work on this year:
Also if you hadn't noticed, I semi ditched the curated Instagram feed and have been more into sharing my adventures via Instagram Stories. I’ve been less strict and scheduled and finding time to enjoy the little things more. Eating better, spending more time with bae, and all-around being the best version of myself possible without letting social media rule my life.
In April 2019, I got the neat opportunity to join some amazing Kingston ladies I admire on a social media panel hosted by the lovely Claire Bouvier. I stepped outside my comfort zone of public speaking (I've been on panels before but this one was just different) and the introvert that I am, loved every second of it! Weird I know. So don't let those fears get in the way of you succeeding! It’s been great to see the love of the Kingston community through my journey of blogging and being online and want to thank those who have supported me!
In the fall, I also joined a panel hosted by Brockville Tourism chatting all things influencer marketing with fellow blogger Anna of STRUCKBLOG and another dear friend in the marketing and tourism industry.
In the mix of work and all of this, I also wrote how I was experiencing a bit of a burnout (read it here) and how things were getting a bit overwhelming. Just remember that things may look perfect on social or online, but in reality, everyone is human and has off days/weeks/months or whatever it may be. Since we're chatting about life, socially I spent more quality time with friends, made new ones, reconnected with old ones (still a work in progress!), removed toxic people out of my life and unfollowed people on social (not everyone can be best friends or bring joy). On top of all of this, I started experiencing eczema type symptoms on my neck, legs and arms. Might have been linked to stress as well as my gut health. But a temporary solution? Go on an elimination diet aka give up gluten, dairy and eggs for a few months and find alternative foods to enjoy. It was a tad tough but I got through it and am back to enjoying glutenous delights.
And on a professional level and quite exciting, I accepted an acting position at my day job as Communications & Relations Officer while doing double duty with my home position of Social Media & Digital Lead.
So with that recap of 2019, I'm rooting for 2020 to be a year where not a lot of things change but that I grow more as an individual. So are a few things items I'd like to work on this year:
1. Not Having Work Be My Identity
I was inspired by Youtuber Natalie Barbu on this one. And what I mean by the above statement, is that you are not your work. Work is something you do. Period. When someone asks you who you are, most commonly we identify ourselves based on our work. That's pretty much a no brainer. Work should not be your identity or your life purpose. I realized that I have so much more to offer and am passionate about so many things in life. I was reminded by a manager at work this summer that once you get home, your work should turn off. Well, I have had a bit of a hard time with this one since my work is social media and it just never sleeps, but of course, these, as I've realized are just excuses."With cell phones glued to our pockets, we are always connected and readily available to respond to work-related emails, calls, and meeting requests, often making it difficult to disassociate ourselves from our work. And for those of us doing what we love, we get stuck with the mindset that because we love it, we should be doing more of it." - Psychology Today
And on another hand, the passion of my blog is my life. Every time I'm out and about, the constant thought running through my mind is "Oh that would be great content" or "That would look good on Instagram," so at the end of the day, what I'm trying to say is that, yes I am a Marketer and a Blogger but I'm also me who enjoys photography, cooking, spending time outdoors and playing board games and chasing after my dog.
2. Staying Positive
This isn't a new goal but a reminder. Having a positive mindset has played a huge role in my life for a few years now. Learning the ability to stay resilient when times are tough in life or work has held me together. In a previous post, I said the following and it still applies,Staying positive leaves us more motivated, productive, improve our mood and of course likely to succeed. Remember to fuel your passion and go that extra mile - blogging and work can be quite demanding with struggles of burnouts and criticism. So keep your head held up high and rock what you've got!

3. Start my fitness/wellness lifestyle
I'll keep this one nice and short. As someone who sits in front of a computer screen all day for work but also with what I experienced in 2019 with my skin, it was a prompt for me to take action. I'll be starting small with baby steps by taking daily vitamins. Then I'll progress to picking back up my yoga practice and then work with a friend on a fitness regime so we can keep one another accountable. But in terms of food, bae and I already eat quite well so that won't be an issue. And remember, life is meant to be enjoyed so indulge in your favourite dishes but in moderation! I've learnt that going cold turkey just simply does not work. So stay tuned as I share my progress on the blog along with some tips that could help you!
Cheers to a new year!
I smiled when you name dropped Claire and public speaking. In my humble opinion, anyone who has had the pleasure of meeting you in person like I did briefly during an Awesome Kingston Pitch Party knows your heart is as bright as that captivating smile.