Ask yourself this question, what makes your community awesome?
Photo by Awesome Kingston
If you are "devoted to forwarding the interest of awesomeness in the universe" as the Awesome Foundation would say, then you are well on your way to joining many like yourself. Every month $1,000 micro-grants (in brown paper bags) are distributed to projects and their creators with no strings attached. Confused? Well, creative and passionate individuals are given 90-seconds to take the floor and pitch their idea or project and then take questions from the trustees and the audience. After deliberation occurs, one project walks away with the micro-grant. Easy peasy! You might just get inspired and have your creative juices flowing!
So why is Kingston awesome?
Because we have our very own Awesome Foundation chapter! Pitch parties happen on the third Thursday of each month and yesterday's meet up was quite special as it was Awesome Day in Canada! Awesome Kingston along with various Canadian chapters teamed up to celebrate Awesomeness in all aspects. We gathered in Market Square by City Hall where the public was encouraged to come and watch pitches but also take part in fun activities.
The concept of Awesome Kingston is brilliant as this city is vibrant in young individuals who seek to flourish. This was shown through a pitch that stood out to me personally yesterday, its name is The Claire Closet. It empowers girls and gives them the confidence to be who they are but the twist, through fashion and developing their own personal style! A teacher by day, fashionista by night, Claire Bouvier is a role model and the winner of yesterday's series of pitches.
The project Clair has taken on is one that should be shared. I resonate with it because young women need to know from a young age that they have the ability to prosper and not have to question their path in life, especially career-wise. Through Claire's pitch, Awesome Kingston has shown us that spreading awesomeness within your own community sometimes helps women have a voice and come out of their shell.
This is why I think Kingston is awesome:
Look out for more posts every Friday, they give you a glimpse of what Kingston has to offer!
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